Sep 23, 2019

Sexual Abuse of Children and Adults in Religious Organizations

Sexual Abuse of Children and Adults in Religious Organizations
International Cultic Studies Association
Santa Fe Conference
Santa Fe, New Mexico November 1-2, 2019

Sexual Abuse of Children and Adults in Religious Organizations

ICSA will conduct a conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico November 1-2, 2019. This biennial conference focuses on the needs of former members of cultic groups, movements, or relationships and the families of former or current members.  It also includes a continuing education training track for mental health professionals. Conference sessions emphasize discussion so that participants can address issues pertinent to their individual concerns.

The agenda will address the needs of those seeking help and those who want to help others.  A series of talks will address the theme of sexual abuse. Other sessions deal with practical issues pertinent to families, former members, and others.

The conference will take place at La Fonda on the Plaza, one of Santa Fe's finest hotels, located in the heart of the old city.

Because Santa Fe is a "daytime" city, we have scheduled two-hour lunch breaks so that attendees can enjoy walking around old Santa Fe, where there are numerous art galleries, museums, and quaint shops, as well as stunning southwest architecture. The hotel will permit the special conference rate three days pre- and post-conference for those who wish to spend time touring Santa Fe and its environs.

Because ICSA is firmly committed to freedom of thought, expression, and religion, its conferences are open to people from diverse backgrounds with diverse points of view. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of ICSA's directors, staff, or supporters.


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