Aug 14, 2020

CultNEWS101 Articles: 8/13/2020

Twin Flame, Unification Church, Awe, Online Event, Exclusive Brethren 

Medium: Following My Heart out of a Twin Flame Cult
" ... As I heal from the horrific mind-manipulating, fear-based experience, know that in your heart, you hold the answers and know who you are meant to be, no mirror exercise will create that for you. Your potential is endless. Follow your heart, that will lead you to where you're meant to be. The Twin Flame cult leaders do teach this, it is ultimately a ploy to manipulate people like you and me to work for free for them. As the truth continues to be written and spoken out about. They continue to make changes to cover themselves. They are requiring members to sign a new NDA. To whoever reads this, know your worth and know when something doesn't feel right it's because it isn't right."

To The Moon and Back: I'll never leave you anymore - Lisa Kohn

"I'll never leave you anymore. It's a Church holy song, about how we'll change the world and never let God down. I used to sing it to myself, pledging my heart and soul and life to God as I walked down the street to school. I was in sixth grade, living with my brother and grandfather after my mother had left.

I used to sing the song quietly to myself and cry, as I walked down the block each morning. Knowing that I had to work hard to not let God down. Knowing I could never work hard enough. The song was my Pledge. My devotion. My promise.

Then I let that God down. Or so it seemed at the time. I left the Church and abandoned the gift I had been given. Or so it seemed at the time."

Abstract: Awe is an unusual emotion. When a strong awe experience is combined with the right expectations, assumptions and context, the consequences can be a sudden religious conversion. This is why understanding this emotion is critical to understanding the process of cult recruitment.
This lecture will focus on insights about awe that can be drawn from examining temporal lobe epilepsy, a neurological condition that causes frequent awe experiences. Looking at the functions of the brain's temporal lobes may explain why awe feels the way it does, as well as the connection between awe and perceptual vastness, the auditory and vestibular senses, and the feelings of relevance and importance. We will then see how this can shed light on the triggers of awe which are anything that is judged as being sufficiently anomalous — these include: celebrities, trauma, hypomanic symptoms caused by love bombing, hallucinations, vast things, and perceived "miracles."

Biography: Yuval Laor received his PhD in culture studies from Tel Aviv University, where he was supervised by leading evolutionary biologist Eva Jablonka. His dissertation explored the evolution of religious psychology, with an emphasis on evolutionary accounts of the human capacity for fervor and sudden conversion, and his subsequent, highly original work has focused on the nature of fervor. Yuval has published articles in the Journals of Religion Brain and Behavior and History and Theory. He is currently working on a book entitled Fervor: What cults can teach us about the evolution of religion.

More Information:
* Pacific Rim/UK: September 12/13, 2020, Saturday/Sunday
* North America: September 11/12, 2020, Friday/Saturday

Stuff: Former Exclusive Brethren members hit with dawn raids, legal suits after speaking out against the secretive Christian sect
"A former Exclusive Brethren who was once told to drink rat poison by the church's Supreme Leader is one of several former members fighting legal action after speaking out against the church. Bevan Hurley reports.
On June 30 this year, Braden Simmons attended an informal session with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.
He would later tell friends he was there to share his story about his mental struggles during his time as an Exclusive Brethren, and in particular an incident involving the church's Supreme Leader Bruce Hales, a man who is looked on by members as the embodiment of the Holy Spirit on earth.
Eleven days later, two lawyers, a private investigator and a forensic expert showed up at Simmons' Mangere Bridge home just before dawn. They had a court order to search every electronic device in his home. The order was made 'without notice' – meaning Simmons had no clue what was coming."

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Selection of articles for CultNEWS101 does not mean that Patrick Ryan or Joseph Kelly agree with the content. We provide information from many points of view in order to promote dialogue.

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